Marie Walo Boubane

About Marie Walo

Marie Walo Boubane was born on March 07, 1973 in Kédougou. She did her primary education at the current Marcel Paravy Catholic Mission school in Kédougou.

She continued her secondary education at Collège Jean XXIII in Tambacounda, before being recruited as a secretary by the Tambacounda regional councillor in 2005.

From 2006 to the present day, she has been supporting people living with HIV/AIDS and their children. In this way, she helped set up the association of people living with HIV/AIDS.

A fervent defender of human rights, she has made a major contribution to the fight against the stigmatization and discrimination of people living with HIV/AIDS and other vulnerable groups.

Currently, Marie Walo is the director of the Galle Bobo nursery, which has been in operation since 2015. In fact, the idea of creating this organization came to him through the problem of caring for HIV/AIDS orphans in the Kédougou region.

Apart from her professional activities, which revolve around the children (care, education, health, psychosocial support…), Marie Walo is interested in and active in poultry farming, which is an income-generating activity for the nursery.

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