Fatime Faye
Of Liberty and of Knowledge

Engaged feminist Giant, filled with compassion! Her Philosophy is Freedom feminist glowing with empathy and humility, freedom is her philosophy, sharing is her creed, helping is her motto.

Fatime Faye has been living for 15 years in the small Lebou village of Toubab Dialaw.
Her taste for freedom was born out of her childhood spent on Goree Island, where she ran around in shorts across the whole island, swimming in the sea for hours on end without her parents always knowing exactly where she was. That was life in the village; everybody knew each other and would keep an eye on each other’s children. Her move to the mainland to go to high school led to a feeling of suffering from her loss of freedom.
Since then, she has always questioned the conformism of society and the codes that particularly constrain women. Her life as a woman is the reflection of her childhood: free with a firm will to push back against constraints.

As an engaged feminist, she brings women together for training activities that are pretexts to strengthen solidarity between them. Her house welcomes them to realize collective work. The first literacy workshop took place in her garage eight years ago. She called on people around her who can share the know-how that will benefit the community. Women can also take refuge at her home when they want to rest or temporarily stay away from family problems. This is how, in small steps, she reinforces their empowerment. This is not an easy task because women are easily stuck within their household routine and societal constraints.

She has also set up a program to keep young girls in school when they encounter difficulties. To do this, she identifies the ten best students through her friend who is a teacher and encourages others to follow their example. In 2018, the young girls she has been coaching, since the sixth grade graduated from high school. Fatime Faye finances this program based on her income during the year or by requesting support from generous contributors around her.
Her hope for the presidential elections: “It would be a good thing for this country that there is a worthy female candidate who goes very far in this election, beyond the first round; and it would be best if she wins the elections. This would be good for women because although they are politically involved, they only get the secondary roles. This would encourage women to take leadership and increase their participation in public affairs.
She is involved in a number of associations such as the Dakar Xewel Toastmasters club (personal development in communication and leadership), the Pan African leaders Network (PANel), and the Collectif Doyna Stop à la Mendicité des Enfants (Stop Child Begging.)
When someone talks to her about a problem, they always leave with one of her abundant solutions that she has in her toolbox. Additionally, she is an outstanding facilitator, trainer, and a life coach.
She has dedicated a large part of her life at the service of women’s rights and solidarity.
With the time at her disposal, she helps everyone with things like handling their time, energy, advice, skills, money, home, network, etc.

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