Safiétou Diop
Of Feminism and of Activism

Giant, relentless supporter of women rights, rights advocate for youth and against spread of HIV/AIDS and the plight of drug abuse!

Since the 90s, Mrs. Safiétou DIOP has had a rich career in public administration. Since the 90s, Mrs. Safiétou DIOP has had a rich career in public administration. After graduating from the Institut supérieur de l’Éducation Populaire, de la Jeunesse et des Sports (INSEPS) of the University of Dakar as an Inspector of Youth and Sports, Mrs. Safiétou DIOP has held various positions: Technical Advisor to the Ministry of Youth, Director of the Youth Promotion Project (PPJ), Director of Cabinet, Technical Advisor to the President of the Republic and now, Special Advisor to the President of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. This rich career was recognized and sanctioned by the rank of Officer of the National Order of the Lion.
As Director of the Youth Promotion Project (PPJ), Mrs. Safietou Diop was in charge of the implementation of the State policy for the protection of youth against HIV and drug abuse, and the promotion of Reproductive Health of youth and adolescents. Under her leadership, the PPJ developed and implemented a program and strategies to raise awareness among youth in the 45 departments through Adolescent Counseling Centers (CCAs).
A feminist strongly engaged in civil society for the promotion and protection of women’s and girls’ rights, Ms. Safiétou DIOP has had a significant impact on the future of women and the inter-generational alternation and on reproductive health and rights and the fight against AIDS.
Her status as a civil servant and her work as an advisor at the central administration diminishes in no way her engagement as a citizen and activist. On one hand, her status has even enabled her to act more efficiently on the design and implementation of government policies and programs, and on the other hand, to advocate with commitment and determination for the community’s development needs.
Formerly a locally elected member at the position of 1st Vice-President of the Regional Council of Thies, Mrs. Safiétou Diop was recognized nationally and internationally as a woman leader engaged in defense, promotion and protection of women’s rights and gender equality. She has taken part in various international meetings organized by the United Nations to address major issues and priorities in the promotion and defense of women’s rights.
For her, “An activist engagement is a duty to our community and our people, and we must assume it, balancing it with our professional duties. To be a transformative leader is to have a great capacity to adapt, to know how to balance, to walk on both legs, and to know how to make decisions in order to achieve one’s goal in a situation of complexity. »

In 1993 created Mrs. SAFIETOU DIOP 1993 the Women’s Collective for the Defense of the Family (COFDEF), for the promotion of equity and equality between men and women in the fight against HIV/AIDS and the promotion of reproductive health. For her, “all of her activities are complementary, and their combination has yielded tremendous results that have contributed to stemming the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Senegal. »
She is the coordinator of the Coalition Deliver for Good in Senegal for the consideration of women and girls’ interests in the implementation of SDGs, focal point representing women’s and feminist organizations on the National Steering Committee of the CECI Project “VOICES AND LEADERSHIP OF WOMEN” in Senegal funded by World Affairs Canada (2020-2024).
She is currently the president of the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on Reproductive Health (COSCPF/GFF/Senegal), as well as president of the Réseau Siggil Jigéen (RSJ) created in 1995 and which brings together 18 NGOs for the promotion of women’s rights and equality between men and women, the promotion of Reproductive Health, and the access to decision-making spheres at all levels of society. Among the country’s others advances or progress on the status of women in Senegal are included the passing of Law 99-05 in 1999 penalizing violence against women, Law 2005-18 in August 5, 2005 on Reproductive Health, and free caesarean sections operation in Senegal’s 14 regions in 2006, the 2010-10 law on parity in elective and semi-elective bodies in 2010, the doubling of the budget allocated to reproductive health and family planning between 2013 and 2017 and the law on criminalization of rape and pedophilia in 2019.
For the President of the RSJ, the work performed by her generation between the 1990s and 2020 is appreciable, as evidenced by the positive results of the assessment of the implementation of the Beijing Platform, 25 years later, and the twelve (12) development areas among which education and women’s health sectors were priorities.
Notwithstanding, Safiétou Diop is firmly convinced that there is still a decisive step in the battle of present feminists: establishing a strategy of intergenerational dialogue that engages the entire women’s movement and civil society with the objective of passing the baton to young and future generations. “The success of our struggle for a fairer and more egalitarian society depends on our present ability to prepare the next generation to take over”. Safiétou Diop.

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